Woman Kills Child For Stealing Neighbor’s Maize

Sunday, July 30, 2023

In Bomet County’s Mogoma village, a 35-year-old lady is being detained after allegedly killing her 13-year-old son for stealing two maize cobs from a neighbor’s plantation.

According to reports, Faith Cherono violently beat her kid, leaving him with fatal injuries to his stomach.

The suspect is also alleged to have turned on her 7-year-old daughter and brutally beat her, seriously injuring her.

The girl was transferred to Longisa Referral Hospital where she’s under going treatment.

Isaac Koech, the area chief for Kembu, stated that the suspect’s terrible deed was motivated by a neighbor’s complaint. As soon as she returned home, she attacked her kids, seriously hurting them.

“She picked up some sticks and started beating her children after hearing the neighbor’s complaint, then she turned to the boy and stepped on his stomach, possibly causing him to bleed internally,” Koech stated.

According to the administrator, neighbours who heard the children’s cries and pleas for mercy hurried to the house. They brought the kids to the hospital right away, but the young boy was already dead when they got there.

“When I arrived on the scene, I discovered that the kids had only taken two maize cobs from the plantation. The children didn’t deserve such a savage beating for only two maize cobs”, the outraged chief stated.

The woman is currently being questioned, according to the chief, by detectives from the Children’s Department and the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI).

Koech added that the police are detaining the father of the children.

In the interim, the deceased’s body was sent to the mortuary at Longisa Hospital pending autopsy.

Relatedly a middle-aged lady who is accused of killing and burying her three-day-old infant is chilling her heels in police cells in another part of Baringo.

In order to hide the evidence, it is said that Dorcas Chebet killed her infant son at her home in Timboiywo, Baringo Central, and buried him in a pit she dug in the garden.

When confirming the event, Sacho OCS Jeremiah Miningo stated that the local assistant chief Mary Kipsang provided him with information about it.

In order to prevent such incidents, he condemned the horrific behaviour and urged women to speak out about what they might be experiencing, especially during postpartum.

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