CDF Mbadi Asks Air Force to Guard Army Reputation

Thursday, September 28, 2023

General Wilson Mbasu Mbadi, the Chief of Defence Forces, presided over the graduation ceremony of 52 MI24 attack helicopter engineers who completed a rigorous 36-month training program encompassing various aspects of electrical and aircraft/airframe maintenance. Additionally, 28 officers successfully finished a six-month Officer Basic induction course at the Uganda Air Force College in Nakasongola District.

General Mbadi, in his address, highlighted the importance of these training programs in addressing the training backlog issue. He emphasized the cost-effectiveness of utilizing qualified internal instructors and commended their professionalism.

Regarding the engineers, General Mbadi noted that their training would significantly streamline aircraft maintenance, provided that the graduates actively apply the technical skills and knowledge they’ve acquired.

Furthermore, General Mbadi urged officers to avoid behaviors detrimental to the institution’s reputation, such as fraud, corruption, and seeking cheap popularity. He stressed the importance of maintaining good health and physical fitness to enhance their overall capabilities.

General Mbadi expressed his gratitude to the College’s Commandant, Chief Instructor Col Seguya, the instructors, and the entire college leadership for successfully organizing and delivering these courses, ensuring high-quality training.

Representing Lt Gen Charles Okidi, Deputy Commander Air Force Brig Gen Stephen Kigunddu revealed that the Air Force leadership is integrating the modules from Uganda Air Force College into the Squadron Commanders Course syllabus. This effort aims to maintain consistent standards between students of the Squadron Commanders Course and those of Junior Command College in Jinja.

Colonel James Muhwezi, the Commandant of Uganda Air Force College Nakasongola, highlighted that training personnel within the institution has significantly reduced the cost of sending Air Force personnel abroad for training across various levels.

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