Local Govt Minister instructs Kole district leaders to distribute PDM funds to residents in two weeks

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Kole District | THE BLACK EXAMINER | Minister of local government has tasked leaders of Kole district to pay Parish Development Model funds to beneficiaries within two weeks.

Raphael Magezi made the directive at a meeting with Kole district leaders at his office in Kampala following complaints raised over the implementation of parish development model in Kole by Kole South and Kole North Mps; Ocen Akalo and Dr. Samuel Opio Acuti, respectively.

Kole North MP Dr. Samuel Opio Acuti said minister Magezi also promised to visit Kole district on 31/10/2023 to members of some PDM Saccos who have accused the PDM leaders of deducting their money as well as, assessing how the 1 billion shillings the district received from the government for road works being utilized.

Magezi also tasked police from Kole central police station to continue investigating five cases related to complaints raised in implementation of PDM which resulted in the arrest of the district CAO.

Opio Acuti said Magezi also tasked Sub County and parish chiefs to support locals in accessing PDM funds.

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