S.3 Student Commits Suicide By Hanging

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Kasese District | THE BLACK EXAMINER | In Kisinga Sub-county, Bukonzo East Kasese District, a senior three-year-old student at Kisinga Vocational Secondary School committed suicide by hanging.

Kevin Mumbere, son of Mr. Lazarus Bwenge, has been identified by the police as the deceased.

The crime was perpetrated on Monday night, November 21, 2023.

The teenager hanged himself in their leased home at Kisangani Trading Centre, according to Mr. Julius Mukeri, the area LCIII chairperson, who made the announcement to the media.

SS A team of policemen has already been sent to visit the location and determine the likely cause of the tragedy, according to Luke Mbusa, the spokesperson for the Rwenzori East Region police, who confirmed the occurrence.

According to SP Mbusa, he disclosed that the incident occurred on Monday night at approximately 8 p.m. and that investigations are currently underway to determine the reason for the occurrence.

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