Senior Lecturer with HIV Wanted for Assault on Disabled Girl

Thursday, January 25, 2024
UPF. SCP Fred Enanga Police Spokesperson
4 Min Read

A senior Kyambogo University lecturer infected with HIV, Dr Eron Lawrence, is being hunted by the Directorate of CID in coordination with the KMP territorial police over raping a 16 year old disabled student.

Eron, who is aged 56, has been Kyambogo University’s Dean of Facuty of Special needs and Rehabilitation, and also Project Administrator. CID detectives have indicated that Eron’s casefile was sanctioned on the 13.12.2023, for the Aggravated Defilement of a girl victim,.

The accused’s cases contravene section 129(3), 4(b), (c) and (d) of the Penal Code Act. CID has tasked Eron’s sureties Olobo Lawrence, aged 48, Adoch Gertrude and Among Paul, aged 54 to produce him before the DPC at Jinja road police division.

Detectives have unearthed that the suspect travelled as a caretaker with four students including the 16 year old, disabled victim to Nairobi-Kenya, for a conference, and returned on October 10, 2023. He picked his car that he had left at the Airport and gave a lift to the students.

“He first dropped two students from Gulu University at Namayiba Taxi Park, and they travelled to Gulu. And went on to drop the 3rd student at North Hall, Kyambogo University and remained with the victim, who had a visual impairment, in the car. The victim can only see during day time while using glasses, but cannot see at night,” Detectives said.

CID have observed that Eron drove together with the victim from around 1020pm, up to Namugongo, Nsawo village, Kira municipality. It was established that along the way, the victim requested for water, which was bought at a supermarket along Ndagire road, in Naalya. It is suspected that Eron sedated the victim through the water and she fell unconscious after taking the water.

“Upon gaining her consciousness, she fell some pain around her private parts, and realised she had been sexually assaulted. The sexual assault took pace in the car. The following morning her maternal uncle, drove her back to her school in Mukono and she revealed her ordeal to the Senior Woman teacher, who alerted the school head teacher and the matter reported to Mukono police,” police said.

Fred Enanga, the police spokesperson said the victim was immediately, put on post-rape treatment. Quoting the forensic analysis, Enanga said the DNA samples that were recovered from the suspect’s car, a Toyota Wish, registration number UBA 349Z, matched with the samples found on the body of the victim.

“The CID will continue to work with crime intelligence and other law enforcement partners, to locate the suspect and bring closure to the alleged heinous crime. We appeal to the public that if you have any information regarding the investigation to reach out to CID headquarters and KMP headquarters,” Enanga said.

Police has advised that people with information should reach out to CID Headquarters, and KMP Headquarters on 0776999136. Eron’s fate will also be decided by Kyambogo University leadership led by Vice Chancellor Prof Elly Katunguka in seven days. Prof Katunguka said they first gave Eron 30 days to show up but he has not sufficed.

There are several incidents of sexual abuse against vulnerable disabled female victims, clearly reveals the dangers they face in the community. Police have vowed to ensure that the suspect is traced and held accountable for the heinous crime.

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