In a bizarre turn of events in Kampala, three university ladies found themselves trapped inside a luxurious Toyota V8 after accepting a lift from a wealthy local tycoon. The incident unfolded when the car’s doors mysteriously failed to open, locking the passengers inside.
The tycoon, known for his generosity, had been repeatedly warned by his wife, Samantha, to avoid giving rides to strangers, especially young ladies. Samantha had taken matters into her own hands, seeking the help of Dr. Mugwenu to cast a protective spell on the car. The spell was designed to ensure that only family members could drive or be passengers in the vehicle.
Unaware of the spell, the tycoon continued his usual routine, offering a lift to the three university students. As they drove through town, the car suddenly locked itself, trapping the four occupants inside. Panic ensued as they realized they were unable to open the doors or windows.
Samantha, upon hearing about the incident, rushed to the scene. She calmly explained the situation to the bewildered passengers and her husband. Using a counter-spell provided by Dr. Mugwenu, she was able to unlock the car and free the trapped individuals.
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The incident has since become the talk of Kiambu, with many residents both amused and intrigued by the power of Dr. Mugwenu’s spells. The tycoon, now fully aware of the consequences, has vowed to heed his wife’s warnings and keep the car strictly for family use.
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