Speaker instructs Nabbanja to give a report on intern doctors to Parliament

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Ms Anita Among, Speaker of Parliament, asked Prime Minister Ms Robbina Nabbanja to press appropriate government institutions to follow pledges made to address the country’s intern doctors’ continuous demands.

Ms Among asked the Prime Minister to expedite pledges made by government officials during the budget reading on June 15 in a particular direction delivered to Ms Nabbanja minutes before a special session slated to pay tribute to Lady Justice Stella Arach-Amoko on June 21.

“Prime Minister, during the budget day [when the government promised to address interns’ concerns], please make a fall-up and ensure that the 1900 interns are deployed and paid,” Ms Among added.

“We will be very grateful to receive a report from you on the payment of the interns and their deployment,” she added. After the 1900 interns are paid, there are still 4000 interns to be deployed and paid. This would assist us legislators in better planning how much money should constantly be supplied so that they can save lives.”

Given that the plenary session was dedicated to paying tribute to the late Arach-Amoko, Ms Nabbanja did not respond, nor did other MPs in Parliament.

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