Outrage as Elderly Man Facing Defilement Charges Pleads for Leniency

78-year-old Godfrey Sozi, accused of aggravated defilement of a 7-year-old. PHOTO/COURTESY


  • In Controversial Courtroom Scene, Elderly Defendant Pleads for Forgiveness in Aggravated Defilement Case

In a courtroom scene that has sparked widespread controversy and condemnation on social media, 78-year-old Godfrey Sozi, accused of aggravated defilement of a 7-year-old, made a plea for forgiveness. Sozi, whose ailing health includes battling HIV/AIDS, appealed to the judge for leniency, expressing a desire to spend his remaining days at home rather than in prison.

Justice Margaret Mutonyi, presiding over the case, took into account Sozi’s advanced age and deteriorating health condition. After considering his time served while on remand at Luzira prison since 2021, Mutonyi sentenced Sozi to time served, effectively granting him release.

The decision has ignited a firestorm of criticism on social media platforms, with many expressing outrage at what they perceive as leniency towards a convicted sex offender. Despite Sozi’s plea and health condition, netizens argue that justice must be served, especially in cases involving crimes against children.

The case has reignited discussions surrounding sentencing practices and the treatment of elderly and ill individuals within the criminal justice system. While some sympathize with Sozi’s health struggles, others insist that leniency should not overshadow the severity of the crime committed.

While the sentence sparked enough debate, a post from Hon Balaam Barugahara Ateenyi fanned the flames; “Colossians 3:13 “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” Ephesians 4: 31-32 “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.”

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Mini Chrishina responded to his post on X saying; “Twala kulia, if it was your daughter would you come here and preach the same?, i hear Minister for Children and youth, is this how you fight for them?”

Furious Caro Line as identified on X made note; “With all due respect, one cannot be accused of aggravated defilement of a 7 year old child, & this is your response Sir, State Minister of
in charge of Children and Youth. A minor was defiled, If you are not fighting for Justice for her, then who should?”

Another Alfred Afeku Njoroge added; “on Ateenyi, Children must be protected and this man must serve maximum sentence for such crime ranging from pedophile, to rape, to infecting a minor. That’s like poisoning a minor with biological weapon. As a Minister of that docket, we need justice for the kid.”

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