Uganda UK Health Alliance teams up with Uganda, Tanzania Embassies in the UK to boost health outcomes

Sunday, April 28, 2024


  • Uganda UK Health Alliance and UK Embassies strengthen health partnerships; emphasize Diaspora contributions and collaboration for better global health outcomes.

The Uganda UK Health Alliance, alongside the Uganda and Tanzania Embassies in the UK, underscored the pivotal role of collaboration in enhancing health outcomes. Diaspora health stakeholders in the UK lauded the support of Uganda’s High Commissioner and the Embassy staff, emphasizing their contributions to initiatives like the UK Africa Health Summit and broader efforts to bolster healthcare in Uganda and the UK.

The event also commemorated 60 years of impactful partnerships between the UK and Tanzania, highlighting avenues for continued cooperation to advance mutual prosperity. UK Minister for Africa, RT. Hon. Andrew Mitchell, emphasized the vital role of Diaspora health professionals in both countries, calling for sustained advocacy with NHS England and other stakeholders.

Moses Mulimira, leading the Uganda UK Health Alliance, emphasized the importance of strengthening health systems through sustained linkages and leveraging data for informed decision-making. Attendees echoed the need to empower local health leadership and recognize the significant contributions of Diaspora NHS staff to global health.

The gathering concluded with a call to further explore the impact and challenges faced by Diaspora health professionals and to find ways to support, engage, and empower these experts in advancing healthcare worldwide.

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