German Youth Inspired by Acholi Gender Equality

Wednesday, December 13, 2023
German Youth Inspired by Acholi Gender Equality. PHOTO/X
Mimi Nina Lakhani
3 Min Read


  • Ten German youth on a 16-day exchange in Uganda under the “Youth Team Exchange on Gender Justice” project are impressed by how Acholi culture promotes gender equality, exploring legal, civic, and cultural aspects while reciprocating the exchange is planned with ten Ugandan youths visiting Germany.

A group of ten German youths, currently on a 16-day exchange visit to Uganda as part of the “Youth Team Exchange on Gender Justice” project, have shared their positive impressions of how Acholi culture in Uganda promotes gender equality. The exchange program, focused on achieving Sustainable Development Goal 5, is facilitated through the collaboration between the German organization eineweltnet and the grassroots women and men association for development (GWAD) based in Gulu City.

GWAD, a local NGO, aims to empower rural communities around Gulu economically, socially, politically, and culturally. Giftty Claresa Wiafe, the coordinator for the German youth team, explained that their visit to Uganda involves learning about legal, civic, cultural, and social aspects of gender justice in the country.

During their stay, the German youth visited civil society organizations, cultural institutions, Gulu University, and the homes of their Ugandan counterparts to understand how gender roles are shared in Uganda. One notable visit was to Ker Kwaro Pageya Place in Gulu City, where they experienced various Acholi cultural exhibitions and dances showcasing gender justice and roles.

Expressing her impressions, Wiafe highlighted the emotional and physical nature of the Acholi cultural dances, which involved active participation from both genders. Participant Klaas Janowsky emphasized the importance of global unity in strengthening gender equality, suggesting that cultural institutions can adopt dances to unify both genders for achieving gender justice.

Solomon Racakara, the field officer for GWAD and the project champion, explained that the Youth Team Exchange on Gender Justice Project originated from his visit to Germany in 2019, where his proposal on promoting Sustainable Development Goal 5 was supported by a German donor. Under this project, ten Ugandan youths will reciprocate the exchange by traveling to Germany in March 2024 to learn about the German perspective on gender equality.

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I'm Nina, a Kenyan-born Tanzanian. I write about politics, business, investment, oil and gas, and climate. Reporting from Nairobi, Kenya. Daily News Tanzania (Tanzania) | Tuko (Kenya) | Eye Radio (South Sudan) | The Black Examiner (Uganda)
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