TLU’s Water to Thrive Student Club Raises Funds for Tenth Water Well in Rural Africa

Thursday, May 23, 2024
TLU's Water to Thrive Student Club
Busiinge Aggrey
By Busiinge Aggrey - Examiner Journalist
3 Min Read


  • TLU’s Water to Thrive Student Club, in collaboration with other organizations, successfully fundraised for their tenth water well in rural Africa. The event also kickstarted funding for an eleventh well, highlighting the community’s impactful efforts to provide clean water to those in need.

In rural Africa, a new water well is soon to become a reality, all thanks to the generosity of those who participated in and supported April’s Water to Thrive benefit. This event, hosted by TLU’s Water to Thrive Student Club, TLU Center for Servant Leadership, and Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church, is part of a larger initiative by Water to Thrive, a nonprofit dedicated to funding and constructing wells in rural communities across Ethiopia, Uganda, and Tanzania.

The dire need for clean water in these regions, where droughts, waterborne illnesses, and pollution are rampant, cannot be overstated. Inhabitants, particularly women and children, often spend hours each day searching for drinkable water for their families and livestock. TLU’s latest contribution, Well #9 in Uganda, underscores the tangible impact of such initiatives.

For over a decade, the TLU Water to Thrive Student Club has tirelessly fundraised to support this cause, resulting in the funding of nine previous wells, each serving approximately five hundred people. Now, with the successful conclusion of this year’s benefit, the club celebrates a milestone: the funding of its tenth well.

Ann Flemings, Director of Advancement at Water to Thrive, expresses her astonishment at the community’s collective achievement. The event not only fully funded Well #10 but also kickstarted the funding for TLU Well #11, a testament to the power of collaboration.

Club president Sophie Salgado extends heartfelt gratitude to everyone involved in making the event a triumph. From the Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church, which provided a welcoming venue, to the Seguin community and dedicated TLU students, their support has been invaluable. Salgado emphasizes the direct impact of their contributions, knowing that clean, fresh water will soon reach a community in rural Africa. This achievement ignites a sense of fulfillment and anticipation for future endeavors, as the club continues to strive for positive change on a global scale.

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Busiinge Aggrey
By Busiinge Aggrey Examiner Journalist
Business Aggrey" is a 23-year-old Ugandan journalist and Editor-in-Chief at The Black Examiner newspaper
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