Busoga Residents Urged to Abstain from Sex on Kyabazinga’s Wedding

Thursday, October 19, 2023
Nadiope will officially unveil the queen to the public on November 18, 2023
Busiinge Aggrey
By Busiinge Aggrey - Examiner Journalist
2 Min Read

The chief traditionalist in Busoga Kingdom has called up all his tribemates to respect tradition and avoid engaging in sexual relations on November 18, 2023, when their King Wilberforce Nadiope Gabula weds his queen, Jovia Mutesi.

Patrick Mudhungu, also known as Uncle Samona says on this day, all people of Busoga must abstain from sexual acts as per the kingdom’s traditions.

Mudhungu also advised all married couples on that day to “sleep on the floor and not in their beds.”

“On that day of the wedding, no one should sleep in their beds. Every man in this kingdom, the moment our King takes his queen on November 18, all of us must sleep on the floor,” Mudhungu told local media.

“I call upon all of us not to make that mistake because tradition does not allow it. Stay away from your bed and from one another.”

Mudhungu is currently the President of traditional healers in Uganda under their umbrella body, the Uganda Nakazadde n’Eddagala Lyayo.

He is a highly respected and vocal traditional leader, who’s guidance is often sought after on matters of culture and traditions in Busoga.

The Busoga Monarch Nadiope Gabula will exchange marital vows with his queen Mutesi at Christ Cathedral, Bugembe where President Yoweri Museveni is expected in attendance.

There will be a reception at the King’s Place in Igenge, where only a select invited guests will attend.

The rest of the Kingdom subjects will celebrate and follow the main celebrations from their respective counties.

According to the organizing committee, big screens will be set up at different venues for the residents to follow the wedding and reception events live.

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Busiinge Aggrey
By Busiinge Aggrey Examiner Journalist
Business Aggrey" is a 23-year-old Ugandan journalist and Editor-in-Chief at The Black Examiner newspaper