China’s Opening up bears Fruits for all, says Ugandan Official

Friday, November 10, 2023

Kampala, Uganda | THE BLACK EXAMINER | A Ugandan official emphasized the significance of the China International Import Expo (CIIE) and other Chinese initiatives, highlighting their role in fostering increased openness and opportunities for nations beyond bilateral relations. Elly Twineyo, the executive director of the Uganda Export Promotion Board, expressed the expo’s importance for those seeking to trade with China, considering it a vital initiative facilitating the display, promotion, and sale of foreign goods in China.

Beyond being a showcase for emerging and developing economies, the CIIE serves as a networking platform that facilitates collaborations between Chinese and foreign companies, targeting global markets. Twineyo cited instances in Uganda where local companies forged agreements with Chinese enterprises during previous editions of the CIIE. He noted China’s generous grant of tariff and quota-free entry for up to 98 percent of taxable products from certain countries, with Uganda being a beneficiary. The focus now lies on enhancing production and quality to capitalize on opportunities within the Chinese market.

In connection with the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Twineyo highlighted the sixth CIIE’s proximity to the 10th anniversary of the BRI. He underscored the BRI’s role in fostering transport and energy infrastructure development, citing the Chinese-built Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway in Kenya as a prime example. This railway connects the Kenyan seaport of Mombasa to the hinterland, enabling seamless transportation links to neighboring countries.

Twineyo also commended China’s contribution to Uganda’s industrialization, particularly through the construction of two hydropower plants. He emphasized the critical role of energy and transport infrastructure in stimulating countries’ efforts to boost export earnings. According to Twineyo, robust infrastructure ensures increased production when coupled with reliable power and facilitates the efficient transportation of products to markets via well-maintained roads or railways.

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