Former MP Onesmus Twimasiko Announces Bid for 2026 Election

Sunday, November 5, 2023
Hon Omesmas Twimasiko. Former, Member of Parliament, Bugangaizi East Constituency. PHOTO/BUSIINGE AGGREY
Busiinge Aggrey
By Busiinge Aggrey - Examiner Journalist
3 Min Read

Kakumiro District | THE BLACK EXAMINER | Hon. Onesmus Twimasiko, the former Member of Parliament for Bugangaizi West, announced his intention to run for office once again in the upcoming 2023 elections. The declaration came during a netball friendly competition held between Mwitanzige and Kisiita College Schools, showcasing his commitment to the people of his constituency and their pressing concerns.

Twimasiko, who previously served as the Member of Parliament for Bugangaizi East, used the backdrop of a netball match to address the public. He emphasized the need for proactive leadership in addressing longstanding issues faced by the constituents, particularly in the areas of infrastructure and land rights

Hon. Twimasiko pointed out the lack of progress in road construction and the slow pace of land titling processes initiated in 2019. He highlighted the importance of these issues to the people of Bugangaizi East, who have been eagerly awaiting solutions.

“We held meetings in Kibijjo, Katikara,” said Twimasiko. “I am glad the process continued and we got results. However, our people are crying out for leadership. They have concerns but lack a platform to voice them. Land grabbing remains a pressing issue in many areas of Bugangaizi East, with Kiteredde and Kyakuterekera being prime examples. Over 100 families are facing eviction due to land disputes, and this is unacceptable.”

The former MP expressed his deep concern for his constituents, saying, “People are pleading, people are crying, and I must come back to continue where we left off.”

Twimasiko also revealed his plans to collaborate with Sarah Babirye Kityo, the president of the Uganda Netball Federation (UNF), to include Kakumiro women in netball activities. He acknowledged the lack of government support for the federation and pledged to provide netball jerseys and uniforms to promote the sport in the region.

The netball friendly concluded with a decisive victory for Besigamukama, who scored 26 goals, while Kisiita College Schools managed to score 12, despite a difficult start in the first twenty minutes, where they were beaten by 14 goals to zero.

The surprise announcement of Hon. Onesmus Twimasiko’s intent to re-enter the political arena has generated considerable buzz and anticipation in Bugangaizi East. As the 2023 elections draw near, the constituency is eager to see how his campaign and commitment to addressing their issues will unfold.

Audio: Onesmus Speaking (Rukiiga & English)

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Busiinge Aggrey
By Busiinge Aggrey Examiner Journalist
Business Aggrey" is a 23-year-old Ugandan journalist and Editor-in-Chief at The Black Examiner newspaper
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