Governor Nassir installed as Luo elder, promises to unite communities

Mombasa governor Abdulswamad Nassir showcases spear and shield handed to him after he was installed as a Luo elder. Looking on is ODM leader Raila Odinga and Luo Council of Elders chairman Ker Odingi Randi. PHOTO/ONYANGO OCHIENG'

Mombasa governor Abdulswamad Nassir was on Saturday evening installed as a Luo elder in a colourful ceremony attended by ODM chief Raila Odinga and his Narck Kenya counterpart Martha Karua.

The installation of Nassir was done by the Luo Council of Elders chairman referred to as ‘Ker’ Odungi Randi and witnessed by members of the Luo community living in Mombasa led by the Mombasa Luo Council of Elders chair Obara Kings.

Donned in a cow skin cloth and hat on his head, Governor Nassir was handed a spear and shield to signify that he had now become an elder in the Luo community.

“I have received guard to protect our communities and I have also been given a spear to ensure that our enemies don’t come near us,” said Nassir.

Following his installation, Nassir was given the name ‘Jabondo’.

The governor promised to unite all communities and religions living in Mombasa reiterating that his administration will serve all without prejudice or preference.

“I want to assure you that the county government of Mombasa will continue to unite all the communities and religions living in Mombasa,” Nassir said.

Nassir lauded the Luo community living in Mombasa for organizing the event as he promised that his government would support them to make the cultural funfair an annual event.

He also lauded the Mombasa parliamentarians and members of the County Assembly of Mombasa for continuously working together for the benefit of the Mombasa people.

Raila lauded members of the Luo community living in Mombasa for supporting Nassir’s quest to become the second governor of the county.

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He said that the relationship between coastal people and people from the western part of Kenya dates back to the late 1800s when the construction of the Kenya-Uganda railway line was completed.

Odinga described Nassir as a loyal foot soldier who stood with him at all times as he rallied the community to support Nassir and his administration.

Mombasa, he said, is a cosmopolitan city uniting all communities from all parts of Kenya.

“I call upon all of you to support him (Nassir) and the entire county leadership. Nassir has stood firmly with me and we shall stand with him too,” said Odinga.

The Luo community is said to be the third largest voting bloc in Mombasa behind the Mijikenda and Kamba.

The Luo Council of Elders chairman Odungi Randi rallied the community in Mombasa to continue supporting Governor Nassir and his administration

Narc Kenya party leader Martha Karua reiterated the need for Kenyans to trace their cultural background to understand where they are coming from and where they are headed.

She said that her firm stand character resonates well with the Luo community character of taking firm stands and decisions on matters affecting the people.

“I resonate with the firm stand that the Luo community takes on issues affecting the nation. I want to affirm here that we shall continue walking together,” said Karua.

The Minority Leader in the National Assembly Ugunja MP Opiyo Wandayi called on the Luo community countrywide to remain united behind Raila Odinga.

“Our unity is our strength and we are solidly behind Raila Odinga. We as a community shall put our votes in one basket,” said Wandayi.

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He at the same time thanked coast ODM parliamentarians for remaining loyal to the party even as some ODM Mps decided to work with the President William Ruto-led Kenya Kwanza government.

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