Judges warned against competing for cases

A cross-section of magistrates during the magistrates conference at Hotel Africana in Kampala on December 14, 2023. PHOTO/ISMA TUKAMUHABWA


  • Chief Registrar Sarah Langa Siu has called on magistrates and registrars to cease competing for cases, urging a focus on timely justice delivery, during the annual conference in Kampala, addressing issues such as selective case handling, unjust bail denials, and dress code concerns.

The Chief Registrar of Courts of Judicature, Sarah Langa Siu, has directed magistrates and registrars to cease competing for cases within the court system. Instead, she has urged them to prioritize the prompt dispensation of justice to the public.

During the inaugural session of the two-day annual conference for registrars and magistrates at Hotel Africana in Kampala on December 14, 2023, Langa observed instances of judicial officers vying for cases, negatively impacting collaboration within various courts and violating the judicial code of ethics.

Langa, expressing her concern, emphasized the need to abandon the “my file” mentality, discouraging the selective booking or handling of cases. She stressed the importance of ending this practice for the sake of a cohesive and ethical judiciary.

Furthermore, Langa implored magistrates to refrain from unjustly denying bail to eligible suspects, emphasizing the adverse effects of prison congestion. She cited examples where individuals lacking proper documentation were unnecessarily remanded, urging magistrates to exercise empathy and seriousness in their duties.

Cautioning against hasty decisions, Langa urged magistrates to exercise their powers judiciously, highlighting instances where court documents were signed without proper verification. She also urged scrutiny of private prosecution cases before acceptance.

Additionally, Langa addressed the issue of female judges’ attire, receiving complaints about inappropriate dressing. She called on female judicial officers to enhance their dress code.

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Deputy Chief Justice Richard Buteera echoed Langa’s sentiments, warning against lazy, incompetent, corrupt, and arrogant behavior within the judiciary. He emphasized the need for a people-centered justice system and criticized delayed trials and judgments, stressing the importance of efficiency.

Buteera encouraged magistrates to prioritize cases involving vulnerable groups and emphasized the collective responsibility of judicial officers in reducing case backlogs. The conference’s theme, “Making Access to Justice a Meaningful Contribution to Uganda’s Transformation Journey,” served as a reminder of the Judiciary’s role in fostering the rule of law and promoting a crime-free society for development.

Justice Damalie Lwanga, the executive director of the Judicial Training Institute, highlighted the conference’s objective: to equip registrars and magistrates with professional skills and enhance their capacity in justice delivery, urging them to uphold the principles of justice.

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