Man Remanded for Alleged Murder of Wife and Brother in Kasese

Kasese District | THE BLACK EXAMINER | The Kasese Grade One Magistrates Court has ordered the remand of a 44-year-old man to Mubuku Government Prison until November 11, 2023, over allegations of murdering his wife and biological brother in Kisinga Sub-County, Kasese District.

Presiding over the case, His Worship Nyakana Allan, stated that in April 2023, in Kamughobe village in Kisinga Sub-County, Mr. Jackson Muhindo Kasulenge allegedly killed his wife, the late Mary Shamim, and his brother, the late Joles Kabutusi Kasulenge, burying them secretly.

Due to the jurisdiction of his court, His Worship Nyakana Allan remanded the accused to Mubuku Government Prison.

After the court session, Mr. Julius Mukeri, the Chairperson of Local Council Three for Kisinga Sub-County, described Jackson Muhindo Kasulenge as a self-styled witchdoctor and called for a fair dispensation of justice.

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