Al-Shabaab killed 54 UPDF soldiers in Somalia attack says Museveni

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Al-Shabaab, a militant, has been a relentless source of conflict and instability in Somalia for over a decade. Their attacks have killed thousands of civilians, and soldiers

On May 26, Al-Shabaab carried out what was described as their most deadly attack on African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) forward operating base manned by Ugandan troops in Somalia. According to reports, 54 soldiers were killed and several others were injured or went missing. The attack took place in Janaale, a town located about 60 miles southwest of Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu. The scale of the attack, which involved dozens of militants, took many by surprise.

To understand the significance of this attack, it is important to consider Somalia’s security and political situation. After decades of civil war and instability, Somalia is still struggling to establish a functioning government and police force. Uganda has contributed the largest number of troops and has suffered the highest number of casualties as a result.

 “We discovered the lifeless bodies of fifty-four fallen soldiers, including a commander. These terrorists attempted another ill-fated attack on Baraawe Town, but our forces dealt a significant blow, forcing them to flee,” Mr Museveni tweeted Saturday.

The attack on the UPDF soldiers was not the first time Al-Shabaab targeted the Ugandan forces. In 2010, they carried out a suicide bombing at a sports club in Kampala, Uganda, killing 74 people. However, the recent attack was particularly brutal and caught many off guard. According to eyewitnesses, the militants used rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns to attack the soldiers, who were reportedly caught off guard.

Regardless of their motives, the attack highlights the continued threat of Al-Shabaab to the soldiers and the people of Somalia. The group has deep roots in the region and has been able to maintain control over large parts of southern Somalia despite efforts to dislodge them. Their ability to carry out attacks of this scale underscores the need for increased international support for the army and the Somali government.

In conclusion, the recent attack on UPDF soldiers in Somalia serves as a painful reminder of the challenges faced by African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS)  and the people of Somalia. As the country continues to struggle to establish peace and security, it is essential that the international community remain committed to supporting its efforts. Through sustained investment army and the Somali government, we can help to build a brighter future for the people of Somalia and end the reign of terror of groups such as Al-Shabaab.

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