Bugangaizi East MP Race Heats Up as Former MP Twinamasiko Announces Candidacy

Monday, November 6, 2023

Kakumiro District | THE BLACK EXAMINER | Former Member of Parliament for Bungangaizi East Onesmus Twinamasiko has declared his intention to contest the 2026 elections, seeking to reclaim the seat he believes was unjustly taken from him. The incumbent MP, Agaba Aisha Black, is now facing an unexpected challenge that promises to be a fierce political battle.

Onesmus Twinamasiko, a seasoned journalist and former MP of the same county, is gearing up for a political comeback, vying for the Bugangaizi East MP seat on the National Resistance Movement (NRM) ticket. The announcement of his candidacy has set the stage for a high-stakes political showdown that has left many on the edge of their seats.

Twinamasiko’s previous tenure as a Member of Parliament was marked by controversy. He alleges that his victory was stolen from him after being initially projected as the winner, claiming that the election was tainted by alleged vote rigging. This past injustice appears to be the driving force behind his decision to reenter the political arena.

In his bid to recapture the trust of the Bugangaizi Easr constituency, Onesmus Twinamasiko is leaving no stone unturned. He is actively engaging with potential voters, seeking to address their concerns and grievances. Land grabbing, a contentious issue in many areas of Bugangaizi East, particularly in Kiteredde, Kyakuterekera. Over 100 families are face eviction due to ongoing land disputes, and he has pledged to champion their cause.

“People are pleading, people are crying, and I must come back to continue where we left off,” Twinamasiko told The Black Examiner. He sees his return to politics as a moral obligation to serve his constituents and make a difference in their lives.

The race for Bugangaizi East’s MP seat is shaping up to be an intense battle that will undoubtedly capture the attention of the nation.

As Bugangaizi East County watches the unfolding drama, one thing is clear: the 2026 elections promise to be a critical juncture for the constituency. Voters will have to make a choice that will determine the course of their representation and the future of their communities. The campaigns of both Aisha Black and Onesmus Twinamasiko will play a vital role in shaping the constituency’s destiny, making this an election to watch closely in the coming years.

Audio: Onesmus Speaking (Rukiiga & English)

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Busiinge Aggrey
By Busiinge Aggrey Examiner Journalist
Business Aggrey" is a 23-year-old Ugandan journalist and Editor-in-Chief at The Black Examiner newspaper
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