Construction of Kitibya Bridge and Road Rehabilitation Project Launched in Kabale


  • Authorities in Kabale District and the Ministry of Works and Transport have begun constructing the Kitibya Bridge and rehabilitating the 6.8-kilometer Kitibya-Mishundo-Kabanyonyi road in Kyanamira Sub County. The UGX 2.2 billion project, managed by Engineer Musa Mwine and contracted to Kwed Construction Limited, aims to improve road access for agricultural and other products.

KABALE, (Examiner) – Authorities in Kabale District, alongside the Ministry of Works and Transport, have initiated the construction of the Kitibya Bridge and the rehabilitation of the 6.8-kilometer Kitibya-Mishundo-Kabanyonyi road in Kyanamira Sub County. The project is valued at UGX 2.2 billion.

This road, which connects to the old Kabale road in Rwenkima village, links Kitibya, Kabira 2, Kyakagoye, Kategure, Mishundo A, Mishundo B, and Rwiraguju villages to the Kabanyonyi trading center.

Engineer Musa Mwine, the project manager and a civil engineer from the Ministry of Works and Transport, explained that the project’s scope includes site clearance, heavy grading, gravelling, drainage works, expanding the road to 7 meters wide, erecting project identification signboards, and constructing a box culvert. The project is contracted to Kwed Construction Limited and is expected to be completed within one year.

Catherine Atwakiire Ndamira expressed optimism that the construction of the bridge and road would facilitate the transportation of agricultural and other products. She encouraged residents to continue supporting government programs aimed at fighting poverty.

Gordon Manzi, the Kabale District Principal Assistant Secretary representing the Chief Administrative Officer, expressed hope that residents would not demand compensation, as those with land around the road had signed consent forms allowing their land to be used. He cautioned the contractor against substandard work and emphasized the importance of timely completion.

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Annet Mugisha, the Bushenyi District Woman Member of Parliament, commended Ndamira Atwakiire and Niwagaba for their efforts in securing the project. She urged the people of Kigezi to support their leaders and avoid sectarian tendencies.

Hillary Kwarikunda, the contractor, pledged to ensure timely and high-quality work.

Speaking as the chief guest at the launch and site handover to the contractor on Thursday at Kitibya Bridge in Kigata Parish, Kyanamira, Ndorwa East Member of Parliament Wilfred Niwagaba highlighted that he and Kabale District Woman Member of Parliament Catherine Atwakiire successfully lobbied for the UGX 2.2 billion from the government under the District Urban and Community Access Roads project within the Ministry of Works and Transport to improve road access in the area.

He reminded the locals that there would be no compensation for any damages and expressed hope that the rehabilitation would boost agriculture and other businesses, urging people to cooperate with the contractor. Niwagaba encouraged residents to use the improved road to enhance their household incomes, noting that the construction is intended to increase crop production and improve access to markets for their agricultural produce.

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