Fear as Kasese’s River Nyamwamba bursts its banks

Friday, June 23, 2023

Mr. Peter Bwambale of Kanyaruboga in Kilembe said the behavior of Nyamwamba river had never been predicted and yesterday’s incident was a sign of deadly floods mainly in Bulembia and Nyamwamba divisions. 

Ms Evalyne Mbabazi and Mr. Biregho Balija, both residents of Mumbuzi and Congo-quarter cells respectively had no right words for the government they say had failed to fulfill her pledge to fully desilt Nyamwamba river valley.

Ms Evalyne who was digging a water channel to safeguard her house said they were living in fear now that the un expected rains had flooded the deadly Nyamwamba river.

Ms Apofia Masika, a local resident of Basecamp lower cell faults government for rushing to pay the five million shillings to condole with those killed by disasters but not ready to invest in opening particularly the deadly water channel across the Red cross offices in Kasese Municipality in Kasese district. 

Mr. Jafali Kigutiha, the local council one chairperson for Basecamp lower cell Mr. Jafali Kigutiha said his research on Google had indicated that a D-10 excavator costs six billion shillings that government should source for routine maintenance of the river valleys in Kasese district

Earlier yesterday, a technical officer with Kasese Municipality blamed repeated disasters to the community that is never ready to be guided on any technical matter but rushes to fault government over a situation caused by them.

Story by KGR

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Busiinge Aggrey
By Busiinge Aggrey Examiner Journalist
Business Aggrey" is a 23-year-old Ugandan journalist and Editor-in-Chief at The Black Examiner newspaper
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