Four members of Hoima City Service Commission arrested for abuse of office and forgery

Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Amir Nsamp. Photo/URN
Busiinge Aggrey
By Busiinge Aggrey - Examiner Journalist
4 Min Read

The Hoima City Service Commission is in the news yet again, and this time, it’s not for positive reasons. Four members of the commission were arrested recently on charges of abuse of office and forgery, sending shockwaves across the region. 

On Monday by a team of detectives from the State House Anti-Corruption Unit arrested four members of Hoima City Service Commission for alleged abuse of office and forgery.

The arrested were; Mr Amir Nsamo, the Chairperson of the Service Commission, Mr Ahamad Mugisa, the Principal Assistant Town Clerk, Mr Donald Bategeka, and Mr Ibrahim Bigabwa both members of the commission

Their arrest was confirmed by Julius Hakiza, the Albertine Region Police Spokesperson but declined to divulge more details.

For many Hoima City residents, the commission plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth delivery of efficient public services. The commission’s mandate includes recruiting, appointing, and promoting civil servants in Hoima City. The commission is also responsible for determining candidates’ suitability for a variety of positions and making policy recommendations to various stakeholders.

Additionally, authorities in Hoima City advertised for various existing vacant positions including teachers, health workers, and law enforcement officers among others. The individuals’ actions allegedly undermined the integrity of the commission and compromised the selection process for employees, casting a dark cloud over the institution’s affairs. These allegations paint an unfavorable picture of the commission, as many Hoima City residents begin questioning the institution’s practices.

This is not the first time Hoima officials have abused the office, in March, three Hoima City Council staff were arrested and detained at Hoima city central police station over the same issue

“The suspects have been transferred to Kampala where they will be charged with various counts before the Anti-Corruption Court” Mariam Natasha, the Senior Communications Officer at the State House Anti-Corruption Unit said on Monday

The implications of the charges against the accused commission members could have far-reaching effects on the commission’s operations, resulting in a shakeup of its leadership and standards. The government may need to take quick and decisive action to mandate reforms to institutions responsible for appointment and promotion policies.

In conclusion, the recent arrest of four members of the Hoima City Service Commission on charges of abuse of office and forgery has raised serious concerns about the integrity of the commission and the selection process. These allegations have grave implications for the commission’s operations and could have a ripple effect across other public institutions.

It’s time for the government to recognize the need for transparency and accountability in public service appointments and promotions. By subjecting public institutions to strict scrutiny, the public can have greater confidence in the selection process for their civil servants. Only then can institutions like the Hoima City Service Commission regain its public trust, ensuring it performs its critical role effectively.

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Busiinge Aggrey
By Busiinge Aggrey Examiner Journalist
Business Aggrey" is a 23-year-old Ugandan journalist and Editor-in-Chief at The Black Examiner newspaper
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