Fred Enanga Dropped As Police Spokesperson

Fred Enanga, the Police Spokesperson. PHOTO/FILE
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  • Fred Enanga has been named Deputy Director of International Police Uganda.

KAMPALA, (Examiner) – Commissioner Of Police Fred Enanga has been named Deputy Director of International Police Uganda.

ACP Rusoke Kituuma has replaced Enanga as police Spokesperson.

Enanga joined the UPF in 2001 where he has worked in various departments. He was first appointed UPF spokesperson in 2014.

Having served in various police departments including lands, Enanga was first appointed as spokesperson in 2014 to replace Judith Nabakooba by Gen Kale Kayihura.

He would later be dropped and Emilian Kayima appointed the new spokesperson.

However, in 2019, John Martins Okoth Ochola reappointed Enanga as police spokesperson and has since then never looked back.

He is credited for defending the police even during hard times .

Despite the nature of his job that on many occasions pits him against the public as he defends police, Enanga has been a darling to many, including opposition politicians

By virtue of his position, he is at the forefront of defending the police’s actions. To the public, Enanga, with his impassiveness, calm slow drawl, is the face peddling the regime’s version of the truth, sometimes ‘defending the indefensible.’

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