FULL LIST: MPs Launch Motion to Impeach Four Commissioners Over Shs1.7 Billion ‘Service Award’

Tuesday, May 21, 2024
The commissioners accused of sharing Shs1.7b (L-R): Mathias Mpuuga (Nyendo – Mukungwe MP), Esther Afoyochan (Zombo Woman MP). Prossy Mbabazi Akampurira (Rubanda Woman MP), and Solomon Silwanyi (Bukooli Central MP). PHOTOS/ FILE/ COURTESY
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  • Five Members of Parliament have launched a motion to impeach four commissioners accused of misappropriating Shs1.7 billion as “service awards.” The commissioners targeted are Mathias Mpuuga, Esther Afoyochan, Solomon Silwanyi, and Prossy Mbabazi Akampurira. The motion leaders argue this action is necessary to restore public trust and integrity in Parliament.

KAMPALA, (Examiner) – At least five Members of Parliament have launched a motion to impeach four commissioners who allegedly shared Shs1.7 billion of taxpayers’ money as “service awards.”

The commissioners targeted are Mathias Mpuuga (MP Nyendo – Mukungwe), Esther Afoyochan (Zombo Woman MP), Solomon Silwanyi (Bukooli Central MP), and Prossy Mbabazi Akampurira (Rubanda Woman MP).

The motion is spearheaded by Theodore Ssekikubo (Lwemiyaga), Joseph Ssewungu (Kalungu West), Sarah Opendi (Tororo Woman MP), Patrick Nsamba Oshabe (Kassanda North), and Yorke Alioni Odria (Aringa South). They claim the commissioners have had ample time to resign voluntarily but have failed to do so, prompting this formal action.

“On several occasions, I was asking the speaker to give us an in-house talk about commissioners, and she was promising but doing nothing, because these became gluttons, enjoying food and money for nothing,” Mr. Ssewungu stated. “We want these commissioners out of office and then we shall follow the money and we have all facts. We shall use all the possible ways to get these people out of office,” he added.

Mr. Odria emphasized, “We are not going to promote acts of corruption in this Parliament of Uganda. We have advised the four commissioners to resign [but] up to today they have refused to resign. We are now taking action. It is time that MPs must be seen to take action.”

The legislators argue that impeaching the commissioners would help restore public trust in Parliament. “We are cognizant that the removal of those aforementioned commission members will restore the dignity of Parliament and also maintain and strengthen the public trust and confidence in the integrity of the institution of Parliament,” Mr. Ssekikubo said. He urged all Members of Parliament to support the motion but noted that the commissioners could still choose to resign before it comes to a vote.

The controversy began earlier this year when reports emerged that the commissioners had allocated themselves Shs1.7 billion as a service award. Former Leader of Opposition Mathias Mpuuga allegedly received Shs500 million, while the other three commissioners each received Shs400 million.

Ms. Opendi, supporting the censure motion, called on the public to ensure their legislators back this “matter of public interest.” She pointed out, “It will be wrong for me to sit and keep quiet when a whole health centre is allocated to one individual… We cannot afford to sit back when taxpayers are struggling to pay taxes and the taxes from our voters are misappropriated.”

Mr. Nsamba added, “I feel bad every time I see these gentlemen and ladies masquerading as commissioners of Parliament when there is darkness around them. For instance, Mr. Mathias Mpuuga, NUP told you the service award is immoral, but you continue masquerading as commissioner. I am so happy that now we are going to move together. It is no longer a matter of NUP but all MPs.”

Earlier, National Unity Platform (NUP) party leader Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu announced the party’s decision to recall Mr. Mpuuga from his commissioner role, which was rejected by Speaker Anita Among, who claimed the party lacked the legal authority to do so. This led Kyagulanyi to demote Mpuuga from his deputy president position for the central region, causing internal party tensions.

Speaker Among allegedly chaired the meeting where the commissioners allocated themselves the service award. However, Maracha constituency legislator Mr. Oguzu Le stated that before he signs the motion, it must be proven that the Shs1.7 billion award was not approved by Parliament as part of the budget. “If they were not passed, then we have a strong case, but if we passed them, then we may need to hold everybody collectively responsible,” he said.

As of press time, the motion to censure the commissioners had been signed by all five movers.


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