President Museveni condemns corruption within the UPDF

Graduands of the second cohort of the National Defence College – Uganda (NDC-U) have been implored to avoid any corrupt tendencies for the continuous social economic transformation of the country.

“Corruption is not at the peripheral but something at the core with most civil servants and some few elements within the forces,” said President Museveni.

President Yoweri Museveni and Commander in Chief of the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF) made the above remarks as he officiated at the graduation of Intake 02 – 2023/24 at the National Defence College -Uganda in Buikwe district.

He said UPDF has developed into a formidable force as a result of doing the correct analysis of situations.

He observed that the application of the correct diagnosis and prescription of occurrences to everyone has made the country move forward.

“We know what to do, when, where to do it, and how it works,” he explained, adding that it’s structurally easy to crush the few parasites engaged in corruption.

The President added that everything is in place and urged everyone to do what is supposed to do by avoiding ideological disorientation.

He, however, pledged to continue offering more training opportunities (building more schools) for troops other than developing infrastructure, arguing that resources are still scarce and should be prioritized.

“If training schools are excellent, we expose our people and these schools can become money earners with foreigners trekking in,” observed the President.

He concluded by noting that the future is bright if troops maintain uprightness.

Speaking at the same function, the Minister of State for Defence Hon Sarah Mateke noted that peace and security are not obvious and therefore should be nourished and maintained.

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The Deputy Chief of Defence Forces Lt Gen Sam Okiding commended President Museveni for outwardly developing UPDF against external aggressors and urged graduands to become change agents.

“When you leave, you are expected to go and make a positive change in the real field, most especially against the second enemy – poverty,” he noted.

He also urged graduands to continue being obedient, dedicated, hardworking and team builders.

In his remarks, the Commandant of NDC – U, Maj Gen Francis B Okello welcomed all invited guests and congratulated graduates upon a task well done, ‘where they not only learned but also shared experiences among themselves.’

He appreciated the MODVA, UPDF leadership, area political and religious leaders, Busoga kingdom, spouses of graduands, facilitators from Makerere University, Jinja – based Civil Service College, and all other Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), among other key stakeholders , for their continued invaluable support and commitment to the college and country .

“The success we are registering today in sending out these prepared, committed and ideologically conscious senior officers to make their contribution in securing Uganda’s future is because of all your collective efforts,” Maj Gen Okello emphasized. He wished all graduands success in their future assignments.

The 21 graduands, of which 2 were lady officers, (Col Sylvia Meeme and Col Hon Dr Victoria Nekesa) successfully completed the National Security and Strategic Studies (NSSS) course (NDC Course) and passed exams of the first part of their Masters in Security Strategy (MASS) program of Makerere University. Upon leaving NDC they continue with a research paper for the award of their Masters Degree.

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NDC – U is a premier and inter – services Government learning institution established by President Museveni on 14 November 2021. It provides professional joint defence and security sector education at strategic level to senior military officers, national security professionals and future leaders.

The function was also attended by the Minister of State for Veteran Affairs Hon Hudah Oleru Abason, Buikwe Woman MP Hon Diana Mutasingwa, Buikwe MP Tim Lwanga, Deputy IGG Mrs Ann Twinomugisha Muhaire, Permanent Secretary MODVA Mrs Rosette Byengoma, and Permanent Secretary Foreign Affairs Mr Vincent Bagire.

Others were: Commander Air Force Lt Gen Charles Okidi, Managing Director Uganda Air cargo Lt Gen (Rtd) Nakibus Lakara, Commandant Senior Command and Staff College – Kimaka Maj Gen George Igumba, among other Generals and senior UPDF officers and invited guests.

Brig Gen Joseph Balikudembe, Brig Gen Peter Nabasa, Col Edward Mutawe, Col David Opeero, Col Judy Rukubya and Col Paddy Ankunda, were among today’s 21 graduands and Graduands who were recognized and awarded certificates of completion.

Best performing students received gifts from the MODVA/UPDF leadership.

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