StopEACOP Coalition Urges China to Halt East African Oil Pipeline Project

StopEACOP coalition


  • The StopEACOP Coalition calls on China to withdraw support for the controversial East African Crude Oil Pipeline due to severe environmental and social concerns, highlighting global opposition and local community resistance.

The StopEACOP Coalition, a Civil Society Organisation, has issued a call to the Chinese government to revoke its decision to construct a crude oil pipeline across East African nations. In an open letter directed to Zhang Yi, the Charge d’affaire of the Chinese Embassy, read by Smith Nwokocha, the lead of StopEACOP Nigeria, the coalition urged China to align with those advocating for environmental and social responsibility by refraining from funding the EACOP projects.

Nwokocha emphasized the coalition’s role in representing those affected by or at risk from the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) project and associated upstream oil endeavors in Uganda, Tanzania, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. StopEACOP operates globally alongside various partners, highlighting opposition to Chinese involvement in the project.

The letter cited concerns over reports that Chinese entities, including President Xi Jinping’s endorsement and involvement of financial institutions like Sinosure and China Exim Bank, were considering financing and insuring EACOP. It underscored discrepancies between Chinese support and decisions by major global financial entities to abstain from funding due to environmental and social risks.

Additionally, the coalition criticized the potential contradiction in China’s climate commitments, particularly its pledge against overseas coal plant construction, juxtaposed with potential support for a project anticipated to emit 379 million tonnes of CO²e. It warned that endorsing EACOP could tarnish China’s global reputation, especially in Africa.

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Furthermore, the letter detailed extensive concerns about the project’s impacts on biodiversity, water resources, and local livelihoods, particularly around Lake Victoria. It highlighted inadequate consultation and compensation for affected communities, citing significant displacement and socioeconomic disruptions.

The coalition expressed disappointment over Chinese authorities’ apparent disregard for these concerns, noting repeated attempts to communicate grievances had been met with silence or repression. It called on international partners to amplify their advocacy efforts across affected countries to halt Chinese support for the controversial EACOP project.

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