The Shadowed Reality of Parliament’s Intimidation Ecosystem

Parliament of Uganda


  • Journalists and activists face intimidation and surveillance in reporting corruption within Parliament, particularly regarding Speaker Anita Annet Among’s lavish spending. Even MPs fear reprisals for speaking out, revealing a pervasive atmosphere of fear and coercion.

Journalists stationed at the Parliament confess to a climate of fear and intimidation, hindering the truthful reporting of widespread corruption and abuse of power within its chambers. Sources close to Parliament, speaking on condition of anonymity, divulge a chilling reality: reporting on the malfeasance of figures like Anita Annet Among could lead to a ban from the premises, enforced by pervasive surveillance measures.

An investigation by this publication uncovers a web of deceit and opulence, with the Speaker, Annet Among, allegedly amassing a daily expenditure of nearly Shs.25 million. This revelation adds weight to growing concerns over fiscal mismanagement within the highest echelons of power.

Notably, activists such as Atuhaire Agather and Ssentongo Spire have taken to social media platforms like Twitter, demanding transparency and accountability from Parliament. Their efforts have been underscored by the leak of incriminating documents, revealing Among’s extravagant spending habits within an alarmingly brief timeframe.

“I want you to understand, even mentioning Among’s name within Parliament can lead to repercussions,” confided one journalist to the Examiner during a weekend interview. The pervasive atmosphere of suspicion is exacerbated by the revelation that certain journalists within Parliament are allegedly compromised, acting as informants and “spies” for vested interests.

The pervasive atmosphere of fear and coercion extends beyond the realm of journalism and activism, infiltrating even the corridors of power within Parliament itself. Shockingly, even Members of Parliament find themselves muzzled by the specter of retribution, with reports suggesting that financial inducements have been wielded to silence dissenting voices. Sources within Parliament, speaking on condition of anonymity, reveal a chilling reality: regardless of political affiliation, MPs dare not speak out against figures like Among, for fear of facing severe repercussions including “kidnap”.

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The intricate network of influence, it seems, extends its tendrils deep into the legislative body, rendering even the most vocal critics complicit in a system fraught with corruption and intimidation. As the lines between accountability and complicity blur, the very foundations of democracy tremble under the weight of systemic malfeasance and subversion.

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