UBOS Criticized for Prioritizing Payments to Local Governments Over Media Publicity

Thursday, May 9, 2024
Chris Mukiza, the UBOS executive director
2 Min Read


  • UBOS criticized for funding local governments’ census publicity while expecting free coverage from national broadcasters, highlighting disparities and straining government-media relations in Uganda.

The Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) has come under scrutiny for allocating funds to local governments for census publicity while expecting national broadcasters to provide free airtime. Despite disbursing Shs5 million to each district and city for local-level campaigns, UBOS demands extensive coverage from major broadcasters without adequate compensation. This disparity has sparked tensions between UBOS and broadcasters, with the latter citing financial constraints and lack of budgetary provisions for such directives.

The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) has raised concerns about the unfair burden placed on media organizations, emphasizing the need for proper budgeting for national initiatives like the census. While UBOS has allocated significant funds for local publicity efforts, it fails to allocate resources for national broadcasters, effectively shifting the financial burden onto commercial entities.

UBOS’s approach not only undermines the role of national media but also reflects a broader issue of government-media relations in Uganda. By neglecting to adequately involve major broadcasters in census publicity, UBOS risks alienating a crucial partner and perpetuating a pattern of media suffocation by the government.

As Uganda prepares for the Sixth National Census, UBOS must reassess its strategy to ensure equitable distribution of resources and effective collaboration with all stakeholders, including the media. Failure to do so could undermine the credibility and success of this vital national endeavor.

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