Uganda Prisons Service Redeploys Enumerators for Census 2024 Accuracy Boost

Saturday, May 18, 2024
The ongoing census exercise has reached the Luzira Prisons Complex, where prisoners are being counted as part of the national headcount. This exercise is crucial for providing vital information that will inform national planning and development initiatives. PHOTO/COURTESY
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  • The Uganda Prisons Service is redeploying enumerators from prisons to underperforming areas for Census 2024, aiming to ensure accurate household counts. This collaborative effort with UBOS seeks to enhance data accuracy and completeness.

KAMPALA, (Examiner) – In a bid to bolster the ongoing Census 2024 enumeration, the Uganda Prisons Service has issued a directive to redeploy prisons enumerators from within prisons barracks to areas in underperforming districts and cities.

Johnson Byabashaija, Commissioner General of Prisons, emphasized the significance of precise data collection in the census exercise, stating, “We are committed to ensuring every household is accurately counted.” Byabashaija highlighted that by reallocating enumerators to areas needing extra assistance, they aim to elevate the overall success of the census.

The redeployment, effective May 18, 2024, as conveyed by Byabashaija, targets to bolster the census exercise in areas requiring additional support.

Byabashaija urged all enumerators to adhere to the directive promptly and emphasized the importance of maintaining a professional demeanor and dressing appropriately in civilian attire while engaging with the public.

Regional Prisons Commanders (RPCs), District Prisons Commanders (DPCs), and Officer Commanders (OCs) have been instructed to implement this directive in collaboration with Mr. Baine Frank Mayanja, SCP/Deputy Director CCA, the Chairperson of the Prisons Census Committee.

UBOS spokesperson, Paul Munguci, expressed gratitude for the Uganda Prisons Service’s support in this national endeavor, acknowledging that their involvement will undoubtedly enhance the accuracy and comprehensiveness of census data.

This initiative signifies a collaborative endeavor between the Uganda Prisons Service and the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) to ensure the success of the census exercise.

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