UPDF Soldier Involved in Amolatar Land Wrangle

Thursday, May 23, 2024
Col. Francis Ongia at a community meeting in Bangala Parish. PHOTO/COURTESY
3 Min Read


  • Community members in Bangala parish urge Colonel Dr. Francis Ongia to swiftly transfer land title to Salva Ministry Limited for a school construction project. Despite legal procurement, Ongia’s delay halts progress. Bishop Okello emphasizes the urgency, while local leaders warn against obstruction. Ongia pledges to resolve the issue within three days.

AMOLATAR, (Examiner) – Community members in Bangala parish, Namasale Sub County, Amolatar district are pressing Colonel Dr. Francis Ongia to promptly transfer the land title to Salva Ministry Limited. This transfer is essential for the continuation of the construction of a school. The request was made during a community meeting convened by the local council on May 20, 2024, at Alwala village.

The land in question, spanning eight hectares, was purchased by Salva Ministry Limited from Colonel Ongia for the purpose of constructing a school and hospital to support orphans and widows in the area. Despite completing the procurement process legally, Colonel Ongia, who serves both as an Army officer and Operation Wealth Creation coordinator, has yet to finalize the land transfer.

The community’s frustration is compounded by Bishop Tom Ibrahim Okello’s assertion that construction has halted due to the absence of the land title. Okello emphasizes that work can resume promptly upon obtaining the title.

Bishop Okello, along with other directors of Salva Ministry Limited, including a foreign benefactor, stresses the urgency of the situation, noting that further funding for the project is contingent upon securing the title.

Stalled community project in Bangala

Despite the potential benefits to thousands of vulnerable individuals in the community, Colonel Ongia’s delay perplexes many. Local leaders, such as Rembo Ongu, Chairperson of Namasale Sub County, warn against any attempts to derail the project, invoking divine consequences for those involved.

In response to community pressure, Colonel Ongia commits to consulting his lawyer regarding the trespass case he filed against Salva Ministry Limited. He pledges to provide a resolution within three days, expressing willingness to transfer the land if legally feasible.

Additionally, Colonel Ongia confirms the sale of the land to Salva Ministry Limited for 40 million Uganda shillings, reiterating his commitment to the project’s objectives.

Amidst these deliberations, Senior Superintendent Kenneth Massette of Amolatar Central Police Station appeals for an amicable resolution, urging Colonel Ongia to withdraw the legal dispute and emphasizing the importance of prioritizing development initiatives over divisive politics.

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