Nigerian & Rwandan Nationals Arrested for Trying to Obtain Ugandan Passports

Kampala, Uganda | THE BLACK EXAMINER | The Ministry of Internal Affairs has apprehended two foreign nationals on suspicion of attempting to fraudulently obtain Ugandan passports. The individuals in question are Emmanuel Grace Okecha, a Nigerian, and Jeremiah Ndaisenga from Rwanda. They were detained at the immigration office when they couldn’t provide sufficient evidence to prove their Ugandan citizenship.

Simon Peter Mundeyi, the Ministry of Internal Affairs Spokesperson, explained that Okecha’s Nigerian background became apparent, and Ndaisenga failed to maintain the name “Caesar Agaba” that he had initially used during the interview process.

Mundeyi disclosed that Ndaisenga had entered Uganda as a tourist in 2016 and possessed two identification cards, one from Rwanda and one from Uganda. Both suspects have now been handed over to a joint investigations team comprising the Uganda Police and other security agencies for further inquiries.

Mundeyi also issued a warning to foreigners attempting to deceitfully acquire Ugandan passports, particularly through expedited processes, urging them to cease such activities. He emphasized the presence of a rigorous verification team of experts responsible for scrutinizing all applicants before granting approval.

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