Stop Taking Loans Without Sustainable Projects, Brig. Gen. Daniel Kakono Tells Troops

Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Brigadier General Daniel Kakono, the Commander of the Field Artillery Division. PHOTO/UPDF
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Masindi District | THE BLACK EXAMINER | Brigadier General Daniel Kakono, the Commander of the Field Artillery Division, has issued a stern warning to division officers and personnel about the dangers of taking out loans without first ensuring the stability of their projects.

Brig Gen Kakono delivered this message during a two-day workshop organized by the Wazalendo Savings and Credit Co-operative Society, held at the Field Artillery Headquarters in Masindi.

He encouraged them to identify successful members within different units and formations who have effectively utilized products offered by the Sacco. These individuals could then share their experiences and skills on how to succeed, providing valuable insights for their colleagues.

Wazalendo Sacco’s Chief Executive Officer, Col Noseph Freddy Onata, informed members and delegates that the workshop aimed to bridge the gap between Wazalendo’s mission and the practical projects undertaken by its members. It was a platform to connect the theory of Wazalendo’s products with the real-world endeavors of its members.

Col Onata emphasized the importance of monitoring and evaluating the loans disbursed by Wazalendo Sacco, tracking the progress of these projects, and assessing how they have contributed to members’ financial well-being in alignment with the Sacco’s mission.

He urged members to learn from their successful peers about how to start small with limited capital and grow their projects. Col Onata also called upon the delegates to serve as role models within their units and formations by educating fellow members.

This informative workshop drew attendees from various ranks, including Brigade Commanders, Commanding Officers, and Delegates.

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