In Moroto district, a distressing incident unfolded on Saturday around 1:00 pm, as suspected warriors perpetrated a deadly attack resulting in the death of a UPDF soldier. During the assault, the attackers managed to abscond with two guns, one belonging to the fallen soldier and the other to his colleague. The deceased soldier had been on duty, providing security for the China Railway 3 company, which is actively engaged in the construction of the vital Lokitanyala-Kitale road, linking to Moroto town.
As the tragedy unfolded, one officer left his post momentarily to visit a nearby trading center, providing the suspected warriors with the opportunity to launch their assault. Taking advantage of the absence, the assailants swiftly organized and executed the attack on the remaining soldier, resulting in the loss of his and his colleague’s firearms.
In response to the dire situation, a rescue mission was promptly initiated, with a UPDF chopper deployed to offer assistance. Regrettably, during the mission, the chopper encountered a mechanical malfunction, leading to an emergency crash landing. The incident has further escalated the gravity of the situation, adding to the complexities of the ongoing security challenges in the region.