An 18-year-old Rwandan national named Dushimimana Paskali met a tragic end when he was shot dead by unknown attackers in Chahafi town council, Kisoro District. The incident took place on a Wednesday night at Ghetto trading center, which is close to the Rwanda-Uganda border in Mupaka cell, southern ward of Chahafi town council.
During their investigation at the scene, the police discovered a pickup truck with registration number UAU 063F, loaded with minerals, raising suspicions that the deceased might have been involved in smuggling.
The body of Dushimimana Paskali has been taken to Kisoro Hospital for a postmortem examination, while the authorities continue their thorough inquiry into the circumstances surrounding his death.
The parents of the deceased have come to Uganda to bring their son’s remains back to their home country for a proper burial.
In response to this tragic incident, Kisoro RDC Hajji Shafiq Ssekandi strongly urges residents from both Rwanda and Uganda to use designated and authorized border crossings, refraining from engaging in smuggling activities due to the severe repercussions associated with such actions.