Tororo Police Arrest 9 Suspected Gangsters Involved in Crime Wave

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Tororo District | THE BLACK EXAMINER | On September 12th, 2023, the Tororo police apprehended nine individuals suspected of belonging to a criminal gang that had been causing distress among residents in the Eastern division and the entire district.

The nine detainees hail from Kasoli, Nyangole, and Amagoro A parishes in the Eastern division. They were found in possession of burglary tools, and notably, a basin filled with rolled marijuana.

Among the arrested individuals are some hardened criminals, including Otwanai Max Anthony, who is considered their ringleader and also involved in marijuana cultivation. Jordan Wamuseyi, a well-known marijuana seller, and Richard Mark Erapu, alias Ox Wonders, an emerging artist, were also apprehended. James Okoth, originally from Achilet in Nyangole sub-county, and Stephen Owori, among others, were part of the group.

According to Adam Kimuli, the Tororo District Police Commander, the nine suspects had been disguising themselves as flower and nursery bed growers near the main abattoir. This location served as their base for planning robberies and housebreakings in the area, contributing to the rising incidents of theft and property invasion.

During the arrest, the criminals were found to be under the influence of marijuana. In an attempt to sober them up, the DPC had them sing a song called “ghetto,” and surprisingly, one of the suspects lit and smoked a marijuana stick in defiance of his companions’ efforts to stop him.

Kimuli stated that the police would continue conducting disruptive operations to maintain peace in the district, especially during the upcoming festive season. He pointed out that previous police efforts had yielded positive results, evident in the decreased incidents of housebreaking and theft, particularly in Tororo municipality.

The DPC also disclosed that the criminal gang members would face charges related to marijuana possession and possession of dangerous weapons. He urged the general public to cooperate with the police in their efforts to restore order and safety in the district.

[End of Story]

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Busiinge Aggrey
By Busiinge Aggrey Examiner Journalist
Business Aggrey" is a 23-year-old Ugandan journalist and Editor-in-Chief at The Black Examiner newspaper
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