Akram Gumisiriza, the businessman and husband of Dr. Kulthum Nabunya, found himself in the spotlight again after a weekend altercation with one of his tenants. The dispute revolved around electricity, which had been disconnected by Umeme.
During the argument, the tenant accused Akram of making advances toward her, which she rejected, claiming it was the cause of his mistreatment. Akram, in response, called her a ‘prostitute.’ The tenant countered by reminding Akram of a recent incident where he brought a sex worker to the house, resulting in his arrest for violence. She recorded the exchange on her phone and shared it online.
In an interview on Monday, Akram stated that he evicted the tenant for failing to pay rent after staying in the house for eight months, and her grace period was expiring soon. He also mentioned that the tenant had illegally reconnected the power, which Umeme had disconnected. Akram clarified that his wife, Kulthum, was with him during the incident and heard everything. As for the tenant’s claims that he had hit on her, Akram found it laughable, asserting he would not be interested in someone who looked like her.