UPDF Convoy Attacked in DRC

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

DR Congo | THE BLACK EXAMINER | The Ugandan army contingent, operating as part of the East African Regional Force (EACRF), has strongly denounced an attack on their convoy by unidentified insurgents on Monday. According to Capt Ahmad Hassan Kato, the Ugandan contingent spokesperson, the logistics convoy was ambushed at Rukoro-Burai in Rutshuru territory.

“UGACON troops bravely engaged the attackers and continued their mission to Bunagana,” stated Capt Kato, adding that two Ugandan peacekeepers sustained minor head injuries and have received treatment at Kisoro hospital. They are now out of danger.

Investigations have been initiated to determine the identity of the attackers. Capt Kato emphasized their condemnation of this cowardly act on peacekeepers and issued a warning that such attacks must cease immediately. The EACRF mandate empowers peacekeepers to defend themselves if necessary.

The Ugandan contingent remains committed to achieving the EACRF’s mandate in collaboration with the DRC community. Earlier this year, the Ugandan army was deployed as part of the EACRF peacekeeping force in the DRC, taking over positions previously held by the M23 rebels. Monday’s attack marked the first such incident since their deployment in March. The Ugandan troops have been providing various services in the DRC, including construction, water source repairs, combating cholera, and the disposal of unexploded ordnance in Eastern DRC.

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Busiinge Aggrey
By Busiinge Aggrey Examiner Journalist
Business Aggrey" is a 23-year-old Ugandan journalist and Editor-in-Chief at The Black Examiner newspaper