UTB to Use King Oyo’s Documentary to Promote Tourism

The documentary showing Toro King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru climbing to the peak of Mountain Rwenzori will be launched in Uganda this Friday at international University of East Africa as an inspiration to young people to love and protect the environment so that the glacier on top of this Mountain is protected.

Speaking at the news conference at international University of East Africa, the senior brand officer at Uganda tourism board Daniel Irunga said that since this documentary was made, it has already warn Uganda over 5 international tourism awards.

Irunga says that they have patterned with Toro kingdom and international university of East Africa to promote this film in order to attract more people visit this tourism destination.

For us as UTB the Film is a strategy for promoting the destination, it has reached where we have not have reached, Irunga said”.

The Minister of Tourism in Toro Kingdom Joan Kantu Else Adyeeri said by the King climbing the mountain for 12 days, was one of the ways to create awareness about the Glacier and encourage people to protect the environment.

Kantu said the King has also started a modern farm as an inspiration to the youth to also begin farming.

“We have already launched the documentary in United states but we thought it is important to launch it in our mother land,”Kantu said.

She noted that the Glacier on Mountain Rwenzori is very special and needs to be protected that’s why the King himself had to climb and see it.

The vice chancellor international university of East Africa Emako Akaezuewa said the movie is important because it combines , Tourism, climate change action, environment issues and it also talks about the Kingdom.

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As a university of technology, she said it means innovative ideas around climate change and environmental protection and looking at opportunities in Tourism.

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