Cracking Down on Underweight Bread: UNBS Takes Action

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Uganda National Bureau of Standards Introduces Measures to Address Underweight Bread in the Country

Have you ever bought a loaf of bread and wondered why it seems too small for its price? Perhaps you have even questioned the quality and safety of such bread. Concerns over underweight bread have been on the rise in Uganda, and the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) has taken action to address this issue.

The UNBS is a government agency established to promote standards and quality in the production of goods and services in Uganda. One of its primary roles is to ensure that manufacturers comply with the relevant standards and regulations. Recently, the UNBS announced a crackdown on underweight bread in the country, citing concerns about consumers’ health and safety.

It was discovered that bread is the most frequently found underweight product on the market at a meeting with manufacturers, importers, and traders of packaged food and non-food products to encourage fair trade practices. Senior Metrologist at UNBS Lawrence Kitimbo noted that their field research shows that bread obtained from marketplaces and small retail establishments frequently does not adhere to weight restrictions.

While bread baked and offered for sale in supermarkets exhibits good compliance, Kitimbo noted that there have been many complaints about bread baked and sold in regular markets and small retail establishments. He added that the UNBS is close to adopting weight restrictions on a nationwide level, notably for bread.

The scope of the crackdown is broad and will cover every part of the country. The UNBS has introduced new regulations that bread manufacturers must adhere to, including ensuring that their bread meets the specified weight requirements. The crackdown will target every aspect of the bread-making process, from the ingredients used to the final product sold to consumers.

Non-compliance with the new regulations will have serious consequences for bread manufacturers, and some have already faced penalties. The UNBS recognizes that this crackdown may impact the prices and availability of bread, but it believes that these short-term effects are worth it to ensure that consumers are getting what they pay for.

The new measures being enforced by the UNBS will have a significant impact on the bread industry. Some manufacturers may struggle to meet the new requirements, leading to closures and job losses. Additionally, the prices of bread may increase to account for additional costs incurred in complying with the regulations. However, these consequences will ultimately lead to a safer and more trustworthy bread industry for Ugandan consumers.

Compliance with standards is essential for ensuring the safety and quality of food products. Consumers have a vital role to play in enforcing food safety standards by reporting any concerns over underweight bread to the UNBS. Compliance with the new regulations will benefit both consumers and manufacturers in the long run. Consumers will be able to trust the bread they buy, leading to better health outcomes, and manufacturers will be able to benefit from a healthier and more trustworthy industry.

Leatitiah Namubiru, the Manager for Legal Metrology at UNBS, revealed during the same meeting that the bureau will enforce the Weights and measurements act, as stipulated in Chapter 103 of the Ugandan Constitution. She highlighted the need to update the current law, which was enacted in 1965, to align with the current situation and include other areas that were previously overlooked.

Namubiru explained, “Under that law, we have the weights and measurements division, for weighing and measuring equipment, the volume and flow division for balky liters like trucks, static ones, as well as railway wagons, the prepackaged division, to verify pre-packed goods, and the utility section, for energy meters that are put on the national grid.”

In conclusion, the UNBS’s crackdown on underweight bread is an essential step towards ensuring that Ugandan consumers are getting safe, high-quality bread. Compliance with food safety regulations is vital for consumer health and safety and the overall growth of the food industry. As such, it is essential that both bread manufacturers and consumers take the necessary steps to ensure compliance with the new regulations.

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