

Advertise with The Black Examiner – Reach Your Audience!

Looking to showcase your brand to a diverse and engaged audience? Look no further than The Black Examiner, Uganda and East Africa’s premier source for breaking news, insightful opinions on education, politics, business coverage, health updates, practical tips, and captivating entertainment stories. With between 2500 to 7000 unique visitors per day, your message will have the opportunity to reach thousands of interested individuals.

Advertising Plans

Banner Advertisements

Choose from a variety of banner ad options that best fit your campaign:

  1. Top Banner

    • Dimensions (WxH): 970×90 pixels
    • Placement: Top of page
  2. Top Home Banner

    • Dimensions (WxH): 300×600 pixels
    • Placement: Front page (right)
  3. Square Banner

    • Dimensions (WxH): 300×250 pixels
    • Placement: Article pages
  4. Side Banner

    • Dimensions (WxH): 728×90 pixels
    • Placement: Website Home Belts
  5. Side Banner (Billboard)

    • Dimensions (WxH): 300×600 pixels
    • Placement: Section Pages

Text Links

  • Placement: Jobs and Tenders Sections


  • Variable placements available on pages/sections such as Forex Rates, Downloads, and Job Mart


Web supplements, derived from our print edition, are an excellent option for clients running supplements in the print edition. Here are some of the advantages:

(i) Flexible Content Presentation: Your content can be presented in various web-friendly formats, including MS Word, PDF, Excel, or PowerPoint documents.

(ii) Extended Exposure: Supplements enjoy longer visibility on the Examiner website, with a minimum duration of one week. Extensions are available upon request, subject to a reasonable fee.

A 10% surcharge is applied to the value of supplements in the newspaper for their online publication.

Download a free copy of our advertising rate card and exciting packages we have on offer: DOWNLOAD HERE

Why Advertise with Us?

  1. Engaged Readership: Our readers trust us for accurate and up-to-the-minute updates. When you advertise with The Black Examiner, you tap into a dedicated audience that values credible information.
  2. Diverse Reach: We pride ourselves on representing a wide array of perspectives. Your brand will be showcased to a diverse audience from various walks of life, ensuring your message reaches a broad demographic.
  3. Transparent and Trustworthy: Our editorial policy is rooted in accuracy, objectivity, and integrity. When you advertise with us, you align your brand with a reputable source that values quality and ethics.
  4. Flexibility: We offer various advertising options to suit your needs, including banner ads, sponsored content, and more. Our team will work with you to create a customized solution that fits your goals.

Contact Us

To get started with advertising on The Black Examiner, reach out to us via:

  • Email: advertising@examiner.co.ug

Our advertising team is ready to assist you in crafting an effective campaign that resonates with our audience and helps you achieve your objectives.

Choose The Black Examiner as your platform to reach a vibrant and engaged audience in Uganda and East Africa. Together, let’s make a meaningful impact!

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