Kween MP Clears Chelogoi Motor’s Loan

Wednesday, April 3, 2024


  • The Kween District woman member of Parliament, Cherukut Rose Emma ak Pakalast, has successfully cleared a contentious loan with Chelogoi Motors.

Kween District | THE BLACK EXAMINER | The Kween District woman member of Parliament, Cherukut Rose Emma ak Pakalast, has successfully cleared a contentious loan with Chelogoi Motors. The loan, totaling 195 million shillings, had been a subject of intense scrutiny and accusations.

Cherukut Rose Emma, a prominent figure in Kween District politics, found herself embroiled in a battle over the ownership of her house. The loan of 70 million shillings, initially taken from Kiplangat Jacob, the man behind Chelogoi Motors, has been a subject of discussion for a while.

According to reports, Chelogoi Motors had transferred the ownership of Hon. Emma’s house following the overdued loan.
Her determination paid off when she managed to clear the loan, including the accrued interest on Tuesday.

According to the documents being seculated on different media platforms, the loan was cleared at Centenary Bank Ntinda With the procession of transfer of ownership from Chelogoi Motors to Emma.
The resolution brings an end to a bitter dispute that had captured the attention of Kween District residents and Sebei region at large.

As the dust settles, the spotlight remains on both parties Cherukut Rose Emma, and Chelogoi Motors as they managed to settle the high-stake battle amicably. Her determination and resilience have secured her house, allowing her to continue her public service with renewed vigor.

This ends the false allegations other media houses have been alleging that Hon Emma was being demanded, 700 million shillings.

Examiner. Unfolding The Truth
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