What you didn’t know about CenteWhatsApp banking

Fabian Kasi the Managing Director Centenary Bank at the launch of the innovation at Mapeera House. He was joined by Godfrey Joga Ssebukulu the Executive Director of Craft Silicon, Vivek Bhirud the Country Manager of Craft Silicon, Joseph Balikuddembe the Executive Director and Charles Kabanda General Manager Retail & Microfinance


  • Centenary Bank introduces CenteWhatsApp banking, leveraging WhatsApp to offer convenient and secure banking services. Customers can perform various transactions such as accessing loans, checking balances, and transferring funds through the messaging platform.

Are you curious about the latest trend in banking services? Centenary Bank is making waves with its innovative approach to banking through the introduction of CenteWhatsApp banking. This groundbreaking service aims to provide customers with easy and secure access to a variety of banking services directly through the popular messaging platform, WhatsApp.

The concept behind CenteWhatsApp banking is to leverage the widespread usage of WhatsApp, enabling customers to carry out banking transactions conveniently from their mobile devices anytime, anywhere. This initiative marks a significant stride towards reshaping the banking experience and fostering financial inclusion in Uganda.

Fabian Kasi, the Managing Director at Centenary Bank, emphasized the importance of staying ahead of evolving banking trends and meeting the changing needs of customers. He highlighted the role of technology advancements in driving mobile banking and stressed the institution’s commitment to embracing innovations that surpass customer expectations.

Through CenteWhatsApp banking, customers can perform a myriad of banking activities, including accessing mobile loans of up to UGX 5 million, checking account balances, reviewing transactions, transferring funds, paying bills, and receiving real-time notifications.

Accessing CenteWhatsApp banking is simple. Customers need to save the bank’s verified WhatsApp number, 0744 200 555, in their phone contacts, initiate a chat on the WhatsApp platform, and follow the prompts displayed on the menu to complete transactions. Security measures include One Time PINs sent to the customer’s registered number with the bank for accessing CenteMobile banking services, ensuring secure transactions.

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Kasi expressed his enthusiasm for the launch, highlighting WhatsApp’s global popularity and user-friendly interface as key factors empowering customers to manage their finances seamlessly. He underscored the strategic objective of Centenary Bank to become a SMART Bank by 2026, offering inclusive and innovative financial solutions, especially in rural areas, in a sustainable manner.

The introduction of CenteWhatsApp banking is a testament to Centenary Bank’s commitment to providing accessible, convenient, and secure banking solutions for all its customers. With more than 2.5 million customers, the bank prioritizes security while offering enhanced convenience through this new service.

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