Security & Conflict

Analysis of security challenges, conflicts, and efforts to maintain peace and stability across the globe, with an emphasis on their impact on communities.

Rwanda Marks 30 Years Since Genocide with Pledge Never to Allow Recurrence

Summary: KIGALI (Examiner) - Rwanda's President, Paul Kagame, led solemn commemorations on…

WFP Resumes Aid to Darfur, Warns of Worsening Crisis Without Consistent Aid Flows

Summary: The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has initiated its first…

UPDF, FARDC Joint Operation Kills Notorious ADF Commander ‘Baghdad’ in DRC

Summary: A notorious commander of the Allied Democratic Forces rebel group known…

Leaders hail UPDF for crackdown on South Sudan gunmen

Summary: Residents and leaders in Yumbe District have hailed the Uganda Peoples…