Rising HIV/AIDS Prevalence Among Subjects Worries King of Tooro

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Fort Portal | THE BLACK EXAMINER | King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV of Tooro Kingdom expressed deep concern over the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS among his subjects during the 28th annual coronation celebration at Karuziika Palace in Fort Portal city today. He highlighted that this pandemic has severely hindered economic growth in Tooro, impacting the microeconomic performance of the kingdom.

The King noted that HIV/AIDS has adverse effects on Tooro’s workforce, with deaths directly reducing the available labor pool. According to statistics from the Uganda AIDS Commission, Fort Portal bears the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in the country at 17.8%. King Oyo emphasized that these losses occur during the productive years of workers, leading to decreased productivity and sluggish development in the kingdom.

Recognizing the threat HIV/AIDS poses to economic development, King Oyo stressed the importance of his subjects engaging in poverty alleviation initiatives, particularly by participating in various economic activities. He underscored the significance of imparting skills to the youth, including modern farming techniques to enhance agricultural production and food security, as a means to combat unemployment and eradicate poverty in Tooro kingdom.

Uganda’s Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Mr. Thomas Tayebwa, echoed President Museveni’s campaign against land fragmentation as a way to mitigate poverty during his address at the annual event.

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