80 Youths Terrorize Pader Locals, RDC Issues One-Week Ultimatum

The Pader Resident District Commissioner has issued a one-week ultimatum to 80 youths who stand accused of causing distress among the local population in Puranga Sub-County. They are required to surrender themselves to the security authorities promptly, or they will face forceful intervention.

These individuals, who go by the name “Market Defence Unit-MDU,” have been active in Alepu Village, Laminocwida Parish, and Oret Parishes, operating under the leadership of Olagara from Alepu ‘B’ Village and his second-in-command, known as Boy Small, also a resident of Alepu ‘B’ Village.

Milton Odongo, the Pader RDC, conveyed this message in a letter dated September 9th, 2023, addressed to the District Police Commander. In his correspondence, Odongo emphasized that the group consistently carries weapons such as knives, machetes, timber embedded with nails, and chains. Their operations around Cuk Adek market have caused significant anxiety among the local residents.

Odongo further detailed the gang’s involvement in various criminal activities, including waylaying and assaulting community members, robbery, sexual assault against women and young girls, burglary, and internal conflicts. He urged the DPC to resolve the issue within one week from the letter’s date, as he deemed the group a severe threat to the community’s safety and freedom.

He also instructed the DPC to meticulously follow up on the cases, ensuring that the culprits are arrested, charged, and prosecuted. Odongo pointed out that they have identified 20 members of the group, along with their parents, but the identities of 60 others remain unknown. Notably, he expressed concerns that some of the parents are influential figures, which may explain the lack of previous action against the gang.

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Abraham Tukundane, the Pader DPC, affirmed that they are diligently pursuing a resolution to this issue. According to Tukundane, preliminary information suggests that the gang members originate from Otuke district and have not been active for an extended period.

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