ATMIS concludes intensive induction for newly deployed officers

Saturday, April 27, 2024
ATMIS picture of inducted officers
Mimi Nina Lakhani
2 Min Read


  • An intense five-day induction course for newly deployed staff officers with the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia concluded with a call for dedication and professionalism. Officers were urged to adhere to SOPs, understand Somali culture, and fulfill their duties effectively.

The five-day intensive induction course for 32 newly deployed staff officers serving with the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) concluded with a resounding call to the officers to uphold dedication and professionalism in their service. In Mogadishu, during the closing ceremony presided over by ATMIS Acting Deputy Force Commander in Charge of Support and Logistics, Col. Jean Bosco Sibondavyi, the officers were urged to diligently pursue the mission’s objectives.

Col. Sibondavyi emphasized the importance of adhering to the Mission’s standard operating procedures (SOPs) and code of conduct, alongside familiarizing themselves with Somali culture, religion, and language. He expressed confidence that the training had equipped the officers with the requisite skills to contribute effectively to the Mission’s success.

The comprehensive training, aimed at acquainting the officers with the Mission’s operational protocols, potential challenges, and mitigation strategies, was deemed essential by ATMIS Military Training Officer and course coordinator, Lt. Col. Samuel Kwesi Alemawor.

Covering a range of topics including discipline, code of conduct, prevention of sexual abuse and exploitation, rules of engagement, and civilian casualty tracking, the training provided a thorough grounding in ATMIS mandate and operational framework, Somali cultural nuances, ICT security, and explosive hazard awareness.

Acknowledging the significance of the training, ATMIS Military Chief of Operations (COO) Col. Michael Katambira highlighted its role in fostering a deeper understanding of the local context and the mission’s objectives. Maj. Vicky Achiro echoed this sentiment, expressing gratitude for the knowledge gained and its relevance in executing their duties effectively.

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I'm Nina, a Kenyan-born Tanzanian. I write about politics, business, investment, oil and gas, and climate. Reporting from Nairobi, Kenya. Daily News Tanzania (Tanzania) | Tuko (Kenya) | Eye Radio (South Sudan) | The Black Examiner (Uganda)
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