Joseph Irungu ‘Jowie’ sentenced to death over Monica Kimani’s murder



  • Jowie, convicted of Monica Kimani’s murder, receives a death sentence due to the severity of the crime, as Justice Nzioka rules out rehabilitation and non-custodial options.

Joseph Irungu, commonly known as ‘Jowie’, has been sentenced to death for the murder of Monica Kimani in September 2018.

Justice Esther Nzioka, in delivering the verdict, emphasized the severity of the crime, stating that it warranted the highest penalty. She highlighted the attempt to conceal evidence and the significant psychological and physical harm inflicted on the victim and her family.

The judge deemed Jowie ineligible for rehabilitation due to the gravity of the offense, ruling out a non-custodial sentence as ineffective.

Jowie was convicted last month for the murder of Monica Kimani, who was tragically killed in her Lamuria Gardens apartment in Nairobi on the night of September 19, 2018.

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