“Kwoyelo was born and grew up here”

Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Rosalina Aluma, Thomas Kwoyelo’s mother, with her son, Pastor George Abedo, and her grandson, Moses Rackara (seated left on the bench) at their home in Acut Cama Ceri on 20 January. © Grace Matsiko
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  • Kwoyelo is the first and only high profile LRA soldier to be tried by a Ugandan court for war crimes.

Supported by a walking stick, Rosalina Aluma, in her late 90s and looking frail, is helped to sit on a mat in her family compound in Acut Cama Ceri, a remote settlement some 100 km west of the regional northern Ugandan capital Gulu.

The road to Aluma’s homestead in Acut Cama Ceri village changes mid-way from tarmac to a poorly maintained rural murram dusty road and footpath. The grass-thatched homesteads are only connected by footpaths, with no electricity or piped water, and it is an uphill task for visitors to find their way without a guide in this vast grassland punctuated by small woods.

Aluma, a widow and mother of 12, cannot tell her exact date of birth. In this sparsely populated countryside, where the tall, overgrown savanna dominates the landscape, only six of her children are still alive. Among them are the eldest son, Pastor George Abedo, 62, and Thomas Kwoyelo, 50, a former commander in the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) led by Joseph Kony.

Kwoyelo is the first and only high profile LRA soldier to be tried by a Ugandan court for war crimes. Aluma’s son faces 78 charges including murder, pillage, cruel treatment, violence to life, outrages against the dignity of humanity, torture, rape, enslavement, imprisonment, kidnap with intent to murder, and aggravated robbery.

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