Rwanda, Tanzania to Open New Border Post to Boost Trade Ties

Sunday, March 24, 2024
Trucks waiting for customs process at the Rusumo border post. PHOTO | FILE
Mimi Nina Lakhani
3 Min Read


  • Rwanda and Tanzania plan to open a new border post in Kyerwa, Tanzania, aiming to boost trade ties. Officials from both countries emphasize the significance of facilitating cross-border movement and expanding economic cooperation. This initiative comes amidst broader efforts to strengthen trade relations and alleviate congestion at existing border crossings.

Rwanda and Tanzania are taking steps to inaugurate a new border post, enhancing their trade connections amidst diverging trade and political influences among regional partners. The new border crossing, set to be established in Tanzania’s Kyerwa district within the Kagera Region, aims to offer an additional route for the movement of people and goods, alleviating congestion at the existing Rusumo border post.

During his recent four-day visit to Rwanda, Tanzania’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation, January Makamba, announced plans for the new border post in Kigali, emphasizing the importance of facilitating easier cross-border movement between the two nations. Makamba expressed readiness to operationalize the Kyerwa border front, underscoring Tanzania’s commitment to bolstering trade relations with Rwanda.

Accompanied by high-ranking officials from various Tanzanian ministries and key parastatals, Minister Makamba reaffirmed Tanzania’s dedication to becoming a dependable partner for Rwanda. He highlighted existing collaborative projects between the two countries, including the Rwandan dairy factory in Mwanza, which has expanded Rwanda’s milk market into Tanzania. Additionally, Tanzania provides broadband infrastructure to Rwanda, demonstrating its commitment to fostering reliable connectivity and exploring further avenues for cooperation.

Echoing Minister Makamba’s sentiments, Rwanda’s Minister of Trade and Industry, Jean Chrysostome Ngabitsinze, emphasized the economic opportunities a new border post would bring, anticipating increased trade value and prospects for Rwanda. Ngabitsinze emphasized the importance of joint efforts to address common challenges and enhance the well-being of citizens from both nations, emphasizing the longstanding and evolving bilateral relations between Rwanda and Tanzania.

The establishment of the new border post forms part of broader initiatives aimed at strengthening trade ties between Rwanda and Tanzania. These measures include the harmonization of levies, addressing concerns raised by truckers from both countries. Despite recent tensions stemming from external conflicts, Rwanda and Tanzania have historically maintained positive bilateral and trade relations, with significant volumes of cargo destined for Rwanda passing through Tanzania.

As Rwanda seeks to diversify its trade partnerships amidst shifting geopolitical dynamics, Tanzania emerges as a strategic regional ally. With Rwanda increasingly relying on Dar es Salaam port for its trade, nurturing ties with Tanzania becomes imperative, especially in light of strained relations with the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda’s former primary trading partner. Rwandan imports from Tanzania span various sectors, including cereals, cement, garments, and fuels, underscoring the importance of fostering mutually beneficial trade relations between the two countries.

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I'm Nina, a Kenyan-born Tanzanian. I write about politics, business, investment, oil and gas, and climate. Reporting from Nairobi, Kenya. Daily News Tanzania (Tanzania) | Tuko (Kenya) | Eye Radio (South Sudan) | The Black Examiner (Uganda)
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