Desperate Mother of Quadruplets Seeks Urgent Help Amid Husband’s Abandonment

Kyomugisha Mary, a 32-year-old woman, finds herself in dire straits following her husband Asiimwe Arikangiro’s abandonment after the birth of quadruplets. This heart-wrenching ordeal began on January 8, 2022, at Kisiizi Church of Uganda Hospital in Nyarushanje Sub County, Rukungiri District, when Kyomugisha gave birth to four children. Since then, Arikangiro has vanished, and all attempts to locate him have been futile.

Kyomugisha suspects that her husband may still be in the vicinity, but he evades her calls, often ignoring them or swiftly ending them upon recognizing her voice. Left to fend for herself and her four daughters, she faces a mounting financial strain. Her current rental house costs 40,000 shillings, adding to the escalating expenses of caring for quadruplets.

While Kyomugisha Mary is appreciative of the support she has received from the local community, including residents and the administration of Kisiizi Hospital, it falls short of meeting her urgent needs to provide for her beloved children.

Karuhanga Silver, the area Chairperson of LC1, explains that Kyomugisha Mary initially sought justice but found no resolution. While the community initially supported her, their assistance has gradually diminished.

If you wish to extend a helping hand to Kyomugisha Mary and her quadruplets, please reach out to her at 0775206351

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